Sales Automation
Increase your contact ratio using our industry-leading email, text message, call, and task reminder automation. Never miss a lead again using our customizable automation sequences (AKA drip campaigns).

Automatic Nurture/Rehash Tools
Stay in front of your unresponsive and “dead” leads with our multi-channel engagement automation. You may be surprised how many deals come from what you thought were “dead” leads.

Customized Sales Process
Keep your candidates on track with our visualized 8-step sales process. Our visual pipeline tools help you keep track of all deals and can be customized to fit your business processes.

Analytics Built for Franchise Sales
We know your business! “Off the shelve” CRMs don’t offer the analytics you need. Our analytics were built specifically with franchise sales in mind.
Single User or Multi User Accounts
Our CRM works great for both single user or multi user operations.
Great for Franchise Brokers, Consultants and Single Salespeople
Our CRM comes loaded with email, text, and call automation sequences optimized for franchise sales conversion. These are fully customizable and provide you limitless opportunities to scale your business.
Great for Franchisors with Multiple Salespeople
Designed for multi-unit or multi-person teams, leverage our analytics, automation, and fully integrated communication tools to simplify your tech stack, streamline your team’s sales process, and manage your team from one easy-to-use platform.
First Class Support!
Our CRM is supported by a team of on-shore experts in sales automation and CRM technology. Enjoy a world-class training and onboarding experience that was designed for franchise consultants, franchise FranDev teams, and entire franchise systems. There’s a reason our clients love working with us. Click here to hear what our current clients have to say about the IFPG.